Emily's 60+ Houseplant-Filled Bay Window in Nashville, TN

woman sitting smiling with her houseplants

All images in this blog are owned and copyrighted by Nashville Plant People & Lucid Linds Photography

Meet Emily, a dedicated nurse at Vanderbilt for 17 years, has called Nashville her home for 15 of those years. Her family story began during her nursing student days when she met her husband, who was stationed at Ft. Campbell. Together, they've grown their family, including a delightful daughter and a playful cat named Slow Poke, whose name humorously contradicts his lively nature (he didn’t want his picture taken while we were there, ha!). Emily and her family cherish a simple and nature-filled lifestyle, regularly engaging in activities like hiking, backyard fires, camping, and exploring the great outdoors. Their home tells a story of her passion for nature and plants, with her living room transformed into a thriving indoor jungle.

Plant Parenthood

"Our living room window gets the perfect light for most plants," she explains. "It all started when I switched jobs and had to bring the office plants home. Covid quarantine helped grow the collection!" Her living room soon became a green space with lots of different types of plants, transforming into a vibrant jungle of botanical wonders.

window full of houseplants

Quite the Collection

With around 60 houseplants, Emily's plant-filled bay window in her living room is a testament to her nurturing care. Her favorite plant type, however, tends to change with the seasons.

Where Emily Shops in Nashville for Houseplants

When it comes to finding new additions for her green family, Emily has a few go-to spots. "Lewis and Clarke, Hewitt's, and Home Depot hold a special place in my heart," she said. These establishments have witnessed her plant passion firsthand, and they often reveal hidden treasures that perfectly complement her ever-growing collection.

Her favorite plant at the moment is her super happy, and huge rhipsalis succulent! pictured below.

rhipsalis  cactus

Sharing Her Plant Wisdom

Emily's told us, "My plant-related must-haves include a 2-gallon bucket for mixing customized soil, Velcro wraps for helping plants attach to poles, and fun magnetic eyes for a touch of whimsy."

magnetic eyes for houseplants

Emily's Houseplant Tip for Beginner Plant Parents

As we conclude Emily leaves us with a valuable piece of advice: "Figure out what level of commitment you can give to houseplants and find plants that match." If you are new to houseplants this is a great place to start:

Top 4 Beginner-Friendly Houseplants: Plus Care Tips for Snake Plant, Pothos, Syngonium, and ZZ Plant

1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria):

  • Light: Thrives in indirect light but can tolerate low light conditions.

  • Water: Allow the soil to dry out between watering, typically every 2-6 weeks.

  • Care: Extremely low-maintenance, making it ideal for beginners.

2. Pothos (Epipremnum aureum):

  • Light: Thrives in indirect to low light conditions.

  • Water: Water when the top inch of soil feels dry.

  • Care: Pothos is forgiving and can adapt to various conditions.

3. Syngonium (Syngonium podophyllum):

  • Light: Enjoys bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions.

  • Water: Keep the soil consistently moist, allowing the top inch to dry between watering.

  • Care: Syngoniums are relatively easy to care for and can adapt to different light levels.

4. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia):

  • Light: Tolerates low to bright, indirect light conditions.

  • Water: Allow the soil to dry out completely between watering, which can be every 2-3 weeks.

  • Care: ZZ plants are hardy and can withstand neglect, making them perfect for beginners.

These houseplants are known for their resilience and ability to thrive in various conditions, making them excellent choices for anyone new to indoor gardening. Remember to adjust care based on your home's specific conditions and to observe your plants regularly for signs of health. If you are in the Nashville, TN area feel free to join our private Facebook group to ask questions and find guidance from our more experienced plant people community members.

Snake Plants from Earth First Plant Co.

Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

One of Emily’s Pothos

Syngonium (Syngonium podophyllum)

One of my Syngoniums

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

ZZ Plant from Lindsay C’s collection

woman smiling with her houseplant collection

We hope Emily's story inspires you to start your own plant-y space in your home. Plants have the ability to support our mental health, filter the air in our homes, and give us something to grow with. Big thanks to Emily for sharing her plant passion with our community of fellow houseplant enthusiasts. You can follow Emily on Instagram here.

Thanks to Bella, of Gumball Media for the behind the scenes footage we share on our social media pages from the Plant People photo shoots.

Happy planting!


Nashville Plant People 🪴✌️


"Lindsay's Journey into the World of Houseplants"